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The Fellowship Committee coordinates events year round for both the congregation and the Oxford community. Each Sunday service is followed by a fellowship hour, giving the congregation an opportunity to mingle and connect on a weekly basis. During the summer months, coffee hour is held outside with iced tea and lemonade. Each August, the Holy Trinity congregation is treated to an Ice Cream Social following the service, featuring ice cream provided by The Highland Creamery.


Social events occur on a monthly basis, such as Winter Potluck Suppers, Trivia Nights, Parish Socials, and both the annual Harvest Festival in the fall and the Pancake Supper on Fat Tuesday. Each spring, Holy Trinity shows their appreciation to the essential businesses of Oxford by hosting a “Thank You, Oxford” night, featuring a different theme each year. New members are welcomed by a New Member Reception that occurs at least twice a year. Lastly, in coordination with the Mission Committee, the Fellowship Committee organizes fundraisers to provide funds for areas of need within Oxford and the greater community. Come and enjoy the fellowship events at Holy Trinity!