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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth Opportunities

Spiritual Formation

The Church of the Holy Trinity is committed to providing opportunities for spiritual nourishment and growth. We recognize that the spiritual journey is a lifelong journey that may take us on different paths at different stages of life. It is a journey best undertaken with the support and love of community. We strive to respect and support each other wherever we may be on our individual paths journeys with the love and acceptance of Christ. Through bible study, book discussions, group movie experiences, classes and other education forums present opportunities for growth in knowledge and experience of the spiritual journey. Our regular programming includes Men’s Inquiring Believers, Women’s Bible Study, and Women On A Journey. In addition, we offer many opportunities for study and spiritual growth throughout the calendar year.

Adult Education

Seek to become better acquainted with the books of the Bible and contemporary books written by religious scholars and thinkers. This group meets weekly from late September through early May for Bible and theological study. Have studied such works as The Book of Revelation, “Paul: A Biography” by N.T. Wright, the Book of Romans, Unbound by Time (Isaiah) by Holladay and the Book of Hebrews. The group shares ideas and opinions through lively discussion. Their goal is to develop a clearer concept of how God works in our lives and how we work with and understand, God.

A multifaceted curriculum that teaches prayer practices. The programs are a ministry of the England based 24/7 Prayer mission. The courses include sessions on How to Pray, How to Listen to God, Unanswered Prayers, Lection Dvina, and Contemplation. This course or study is offered throughout the year. (Click here for additional information on prayer resources)

Bible, Church history, and theological studies are offered throughout the year seeking to deepen our spiritual growth and understanding of God and discipleship. Past sessions included studies of Made for Goodness by Desmond Tutu, Bonhoffer by Eric Metaxies, Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright, The Alpha Program, and The Story Bible Study.

Women’s Bible Study provides an opportunity for women of the church and the community to strengthen their Christian experience through regular Bible Study, prayer, and mutual support. It typically meets on a bi-weekly basis. September through May. A typical year includes 4 studies: Advent, Lent, Fall, and Spring.

Christian Women meeting together to enjoy fellowship and to enrich their spiritual life journey with lively discussions centered around faith based contemporary literature and studies. Recent books discussed have included Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others by Barbara Brown Taylor, Gifts of the Jews by Thomas Cahill, How’s Your Soul? By Judah Smit, The Helper by Catherine Marshall, and The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. This group meets on a bi-weekly basis.

Children’s Programs

We are pleased to offer a mixed age Sunday School class that is all about God’s love for us. Using Bible stories, crafts, and discussion, the children learn that we all are God’s children and that God loves us unconditionally. The Bible stories about Jesus serve as a guide to how to live our lives - following the two greatest commandments - love God and love one another as you love yourself.


One way we do that is through mission work. Past projects include making cards with prayer hearts to share with others, decorating “peace” shells to raise money to help children in the Ukraine, and our annual “Change for Change” project. During Lent the children decorate change jars and raise money from the parishioners and then after Easter they decide how to allot the money raised. This is a wonderful parish event that benefits the local community and beyond.


The Sunday School children also actively participate in the church service. They join the congregation during the peace and gather around and assist at the altar. This is a very holy time which the children intuitively understand.


Through all these experiences, the children see how they are a part of our church family and that we are ALL God’s children.


Children in Kindergarten through Middle School are welcome to join us at 10:00 the second and fourth Sundays of the month September through April.

We provide a youth group program for children in the tween and teen years that helps them learn about the importance of the spiritual life, provides opportunities for spiritual growth, and teaches them about the faith. Experiences with nature and service as a path to God and faith are the key modalities of this group.