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Pastoral Care Team

This is the all-encircling arm of the Church of the Holy Trinity. It is dedicated to the wellbeing of our church family both on a spiritual as well as physical level, through personal contacts and to the reaching out to one another in the name of Christ.


We have Lay Eucharistic Visitors who can take Communion to the Sick and Shut-Ins and any who, for whatever reason, are unable to join us at our Holy Table.


Helping Hands and Hearts are available in any medical or family difficulty where additional assistance is required. Cooks, drivers, shoppers and handymen are made available, as the individual situation requires.


The church Prayer List is updated monthly and the congregation is encouraged to add the names of any who may be in need of our supplications. This prayer list is the main focus of our Wednesday Morning Prayer Service and is read every day by a layperson or a member of the Daughters of the King.


The flowers from the Altar are delivered weekly to the ill or shut-ins; a visual reminder that they are in our hearts as well as in our prayers.


Pastoral Care at our church is a team effort with members working together with the Rector in a concerted effort to see that all members feel the comfort of being a part of a loving church family.




To provide prayer shawls for all those in need of comfort and hope woven with prayers of God’s love and healing and comfort.