Vestry Organizational Chart

Vestry members are elected to serve as leaders of our faith community: their service is a sacred ministry by the body of Christ. The vestry elects the Senior and Junior Wardens. The Vestry collectively manages the finances and functions of the church in concert with the rector. Each vestry member is a shepherd for the several groups within the church.

Buildings & Grounds (B. Ritchie/ M. Mactavish)

Design Review (C. MacTavish/K. Gilson)

Event Roadies (G. Fronk)

Landscape (M. McTavish)

Parish Hall Steward

Utility Management (B. Ritchie)

Church Compliance (J. Dillon)

Insurance (M. Klein)

Safety (C. Mactavish)

Communications (J. Malin)

Advertising (J. Malin/V. Chandler)

Internal Communications (C. Greenhawk)

Diocesan Missions (J. Noble)

Camp Wright

Retreat House

Concerts (Dr. C. Bruner)

Disciple Development (J. Dillon)

Membership Development

Committees Staffing

Ecumenical Relations

Leadership Development

Women of Holy Trinity (S. Kaufman)

Christmas Bazaar

Plant Sale (C. Todd/B. Rohman)

Fellowship (Margot McConnel)

Fellowship Hours

Social Activities



Financial (D. Deerin – Treasurer)

Accounts Payable (S. Segal)

Accounts Receivable (C. Greenhawk/S. Segal)

Bookkeeper (D. Clem)

Investment Management (R. Munsch/ A. Smith/ S. Kaufman)

Planned Giving

Stewardship (A. Smith)

Mission (K. Walbridge/ G. Cooper)

Charitable Donations

Lunch Brunch (D. Roberts/K. Walbridge/G. Cooper)

Diocesan Missions – Camp Wright & Retreat House

Pastoral Care (Fr. Kevin)

Prayer Shawls (S. Fischer)

Visitations (Fr. Kevin)

Resources (Fr. Kevin)

Parish Admin (C. Greenhawk)

Spiritual Formation (Fr. Kevin)

Liturgy (Fr. Kevin)

Music (Dr. C. Bruner)

Adult Forums (Fr. Kevin/ Deacon Lisa)

Bible Studies (Various)

Sunday School (B. Cross)

Youth Group (Fr. Kevin/Deacon Lisa)

Senior Warden (J. Dillon)

Human Resources (J. Dillon/G. Fronk/Margot McConnel)

Nominations (J. Dillon)

Audit (Various)

Worship Support (Fr. Kevin)

Acolytes & Lectors

Alter Guild (G. Wagner)

Flower Guild (I. Blanton/ S. Litty)

Vestry Greeters (C. Greenhawk)

Ushers (L. Philips)